My Skills

UI/UX Design
Back-end Development
Front-end Development
Photo & Video Editing
Javascript - (85%)
Node Js - (90%)
React Js - (95%)
MongoDB - (75%)
Html & Css - (90%)
Photoshop & Video Editing - (82%)
Tailwindcss & Scss - (78%)
Figma - (90%)

My Resume


Educational Qualification

2010 - 2014
High School Graduation

Technical and Industrial High School

Finished the Technical and industrial high school in the section of Informatics and Computer Science with exceptional grades.

2015 - 2019
Bachelor of English Language and Literature

State University of Tetova, North Macedonia

Finished the Bachelor's degree in English Language and literature at the state university of Tetovo, North Macedonia.

2020 - Present
Selftought Programming

Selftought Full Stack Programmer

Rediscovered my desire for programming as a hobby and became more and more interested in it and developed it as a career path and the main focus of my daily studies.

Working Experience

2015 - 2017
UI/UX Designer

Personal & Client Projects

Developed many Personal & Client Projects with beautiful User Interfaces that captivate the attention of users that are focused on visual impulses and created many positive User Experiences with my smooth and intuitive UX Designs.

2017 - 2019
Front-end Developer

Personal & Client Projects

Developed and designed many Personal & Client Projects with different styles of frontend web apps and business websites with the combination of color palettes and design rules that are widely recognized by many professional designers and developers.

2019 - Present
Back-end Developer

Personal & Client Projects

Developed many Personal & Client Projects with the required Backend Servers that give life and make the site/web app interactive as well as functional. Storing data to the servers and delivering it to the clients in split seconds with up-to-date technologies.